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Saturday May 11th, 2013


Sound check: noon-1pm (Iron Cobra)



Food · Vendor booths · Open jam tent · Art tent


2:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30pm:

Robin Lynch, aerialist shows

Sound check: 4-4:30pm (Martha Redbone)

Sound check: 5:30pm (Bethany & Rufus)


Pony rides with Pied Piper Pony Rides


Nimham Mountain Singers


Bethany Yarrow & Rufus Cappadocia with Brahim Fribgane


Martha Redbone Roots Project


Iron Cobra

This event is a fundraiser for 2 projects:
1- The 13th Annual Chief Daniel Nimham Veterans Memorial Intertribal PowWow, 17-18 August 2013; and
2- The documentary film, “Bomber, PJ, & Beartracks,” about Bomber, a Navy combat veteran, a father/husband/grandfather who speaks personally about PTSD, who on one of his 150 combat missions saved the lives of over 1000 troops plus PJ in Iraq, and about PJ, the Navy veteran, trained Medic with the Marines, and professional comedian performing for them then in Iraq and still, and about Beartrack, a Marine who is a Cheyenne, a Vietnam combat veteran and former POW now healing. The focus of the film is not only the extraordinary sacrifices those in Service make, but the common bond they share in continuing to save lives – overseas and at home.

 Sunday clean up: 9 AM – done

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